“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9
One of the greatest benefits of presence is the power that results when you actually do what was revealed to you during your time of reflection. The above verse from the Bible reveals some important steps to being powerful out of presence.
Use Presence for Clarity with Direction
This verse starts out with, “Have I not commanded you?” Earlier in the chapter God tells Joshua in verse two that he is to “arise” and take the people across the Jordan River into the land that God is giving them. One reason to take time to be present and reflect is to gain discernment with direction. In this case, God was telling Joshua that He was to take the people through a transition (across a river) to gain what God was going to give them (their purpose and calling).
Do you take time to be present and reflect to gain direction? Where do you need to “arise”?
With clarity of Direction from Presence, Be Bold to Do It
The middle part of this verse states, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed.” Sometimes a new direction that is revealed to us while being present can be scary. It may be unfamiliar or unknown. We wouldn’t need to be bold and courageous unless we felt fear. Courage is living above fear.
In verse six, God tells Joshua to be strong and courageous for he will cause the people to inherit the land that God promised to give them. Where do you need to have courage to move forward to inherit your purpose and calling?
Presence as You Move Forward
The last part of this verse states, “for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Being present allows us to listen within. For Joshua being present was also a spiritual connection. It was an awareness of the presence of God. In verse five, God tells Joshua that no one will be able to stand against him. God would be with Joshua just as he was with Moses. This was significant to Joshua because he would recall a time (recorded in Exodus 33) where Moses refused to move forward unless God’s presence went with them. God then promised to go with them and give them rest (Exodus 33:14).
When we gain clarity or vision with a direction to move forward, HOW we move forward is also important. Do you tend to move forward in a frenzy of activity and anxiety to make it happen? Or do you continue to “rest” in presence, knowing that just as the vision came from being present that each step of the strategy will come from a state of presence?
Example of Learning to Live in Presence
When I felt called to start my coaching business, I felt clarity of vision and passion. It fit with who I am and I knew from listening within and to others, that this was a direction where I was to go. I had fear with the unknown and many questions, and I moved forward with courage. However, once I got started, there were often times when I followed a strategy driven by my own anxiety rather than by resting in clarity from being present.
I wanted to be successful, which is good. But when I let anxiety about success drive me, I followed strategies that were not bad, but they did not fit me. I was doing strategies that worked for other people, the latest and best new ideas being applauded. Yet they did not get the same results for me.
When I took time to rest in presence, listen and wait for clarity, then strategies from within me became clear. They were strategies that fit my strengths and who I am. New doors began to open that brought me into my greater purpose with coaching and success.
Where do you need to be utilizing presence in your life? Do you need clarity of direction? Do you need courage to move forward? Do you need to step back into presence?