Live Your Purpose Now

We often connect living our purpose to a career or job.  We become obsessed with trying to find the right job that will let us live our purpose.  But, your purpose is so much bigger than just a job.  Living your purpose is a way of life.

Here are ways to live your purpose throughout your day:

Start the Day with Purpose

I have often heard people use the phrase, “I hit the ground running.”  I think this is how most people feel when they get out of bed.  The alarm goes off, and they are faced with their large to do list.  They slide their feet out of bed and onto the floor only to feel like they are off to the races.

Sometime it can feel like the only way to find relief is to get something checked off your list.  However, the list is always there.  The greatest gift you can give yourself is time for silence and meditation to focus on your purpose.  When purpose drives your day, you always have enough time.  When tasks drive your day, there never seems to be enough time.

When one of my clients started to apply the principle of silent reflection, she felt that she could only squeeze in 10 minutes for reflection.  However, what she soon learned that she gained from this time became her greatest take-away from coaching.  It became a part of her secret to becoming a better leader.

Purpose During the Day

Always be looking for opportunities to live more of your purpose and strengths throughout your day.   I have a friend who is a “stay at home mom.”  Does this mean that she does not have a purpose because she does not go to an office every day? – No!   She has amazing talents in welcoming people and connecting people together.  As she recounted with me each person she has impacted by her strengths, she became alive with energy and passion.  She realized how she had been living her purpose each week and that she can do it more.

I have another friend who has made an inventory of his strengths and is pursuing what this means as a purpose for his life.  In his excitement, he decided to share his strengths with his boss; however, his boss then pointed out how he saw a weakness in each of these areas of strengths.  My friend walked away deflated.  However, as I gave him some encouragement, life breathed back into him.  Who we are is determined by purpose, not by the measurement of others.

I tell you each of these stories because living your purpose is all about mind-set.  When we see our day through the eyes of our purpose a whole new world unfolds for us.  All of a sudden we can choose everyday activities that connect to a deeper meaning for our lives, and you can rise above living someone else’s definition for your life.

Ending the Day with Purpose

Take time to be thankful for when you lived your purpose that day.   Review and reflect on your day.  When did you take opportunities to live your purpose?

I help clients develop a leadership focus map.  On it, they list their personal purpose.  They also list the changes they are to become as outcomes to achieve in the next year, along with priorities for focus.  One of my clients has a very busy executive career leading many people.  And one of his outcomes includes his desire to also mentor those closest to him, including his grandchildren.  It is amazing to hear how in his busy day opportunities unfold where in his work he can include his grandchildren along with him in his purpose.  What we thought was impossible can become possible when we look through the clear lens of purpose.

I have shared with you some methods with applying purpose throughout your day, but these methods are not as much a rule to be followed as a rhythm.  Purpose is about perspective.  You apply the methods to keep your mind disciplined on a higher perspective.  There are also other methods of focus that I could share with you.  What are some methods that you apply to help you keep focused on purpose?

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