Having a clear picture of our purpose and defining the next steps of growth in our journey to our full potential is a gift. It brings focus, clarity and freedom. Yes, freedom! Some may say, “Well doesn’t this limit and block you in on your choices.” No, it doesn’t. Every day we face multiple choices. Freedom comes in having the clarity to know the right choices because they line up with who we are truly becoming. This is freedom.
Transformation Within
But once we have clarity of where we are going, there is also a second important ingredient. We are not meant to travel the journey alone. As you developed your personal vision and key outcomes, you may have found that taking time to listen within was a key component to this.
Listening is a form of relationship. By listening, we move from a ‘task focus’ to a ‘becoming focus’ in life. For some of you, by listening within, you may have felt a deeper connection with yourself or a relationship with God. As you continue on your journey of transformation, listening will remain a key part. It is important to incorporate times of reflection into your daily, weekly or monthly lifestyle.
Transformation with Others
We need to not only listen within, but part of the journey of transformation is listening to others. With your vision, outcomes and priorities, I encourage you to find a partner with whom you can share. This partner can take a variety of forms depending on what works for you. The key is that this is a person with whom you can develop a heart level relationship.
Characteristics of Transformation Partners
Accountability Partner: Some people want an accountability partner to come along side them in their journey. Now, this is not someone to criticize or judge you on your progress. Again, this type of mindset takes us back to a task or transactional point of view. You want someone who knows your desire to become your best and knows your heart. It is someone who is also willing to challenge you.
I have a client this year who has reached more success in reaching his outcomes than in any year past. Having true accountability partners in his journey has been essential to this success. In the past he has used friends where they would “just check-in on life in general” or who were afraid to really challenge him. This year his accountability partners were chosen specifically to challenge him on his outcomes.
Processing Partner: I use the word “journey” with the transformation process purposely, because transformation is a journey, not a one-time destination. Sometimes our priorities may need to change or our outcomes need to grow. So we also need a partner with whom we can process about our journey. This needs to be someone who can ask you good questions.
In my own journey I have transformation partners who help me to do this because sometimes it is hard to see myself clearly. These partners deeply listen and ask questions that help me gain new insights in my journey.
Support Partner: We also need someone who also recognizes that they are on a journey of transformation themselves. This is a person who can just be a support and encouragement. Sometimes we don’t see the change in ourselves, but another can. We can be too hard on ourselves. Relationship is about encouragement and building someone up, not tearing down. We need someone to spur us on to complete our journey well and to celebrate growth.
I have a client with whom all of our meetings are by phone. When I encourage her and celebrate progress she has made, I can literally feel her smile coming through the phone! You can feel the surge of energy. Actually, every person I know benefits from this kind of support.
The secrets of transformation process’ purpose is to give you clarity and focus on where you need to be heading to reach your full potential and to do it in the context of relationship within yourself and with others. The heart of a transformation partner is to speak blessings over you in your journey.