Walking Ahead Leadership

We can learn a great deal from other leaders who have gone before us.  What challenges did they face?  How did they overcome them?  How can I apply what they learned to my own life?

We can learn from other leaders by talking with them or reading their stories.  Right now I am reading the autobiography of a leader who lived in the 1800’s, and it is impacting my thoughts daily.

A book that is full of historical leaders and their stories is the Bible.  Below are some key points that can be taken from an incident in Moses’ life.

The Lord answered Moses, ‘Walk ahead of the people. Take with you some of the elders of Israel and take in your hand the staff with which you struck the Nile, and go.  I will stand before you by the rock at Horeb.  Strike the rock, and the water will come out of it for the people to drink.’  So Moses did this in the sight of the Elders of Israel.” – Exodus 17:5-6

1. Moses recognizes a problem and simply asks God what to do.  And God answers!
As leaders we must be aware of pessimism and anything that blocks the view of a better future.  Before we act, though, we must first seek to ask the right questions.  We must take time to reflect and seek the best answer.
We can journal our thoughts, talk to other leaders to gain input, read books, or listen to God.
Are you taking time to ask the right questions and then listen for input?

2. Walk ahead of the people.
As leaders we must see the future even when the people don’t.  Many people have a tendency to only see the current problems.  But, leaders see the future and the solutions to get there.  Leaders must be the first to act to get people to move forward.  They create the momentum.  People do as leaders’ model.
How are you as a leader acting first and modeling?

3.  Take with you some of the elders.
When you move ahead of the people to lead to solutions and a better future, don’t go alone.  Take other on-board, committed leaders with you.  Lead with a team.
Who is your team?

4.  Take in your hand the staff
God loves to use symbols of His presence.  The staff was a symbol of God’s power and authority.  When Moses led, he always went on God’s power and made sure everyone knew this is God’s power, His plan, His future, not mine.
When you lead, where does your power come from?  Is it by authority only or also by the power of influence?  What is your “staff” or source of your power?

5. Go
Once you have the clarity and answers, just do it.  Take action.
What do you need to take action on today?

6.  I will stand before you
God reminded Moses that as Moses moved ahead of the people, God was moving ahead of Moses and the people.  This gave Moses comfort and confidence in moving forward.
Leadership is moving people, a team, or an organization to a better place that at the present moment is not seen.  It is a step of faith in which you are taking others with you.  This is a big challenge, and you need to know the source of your confidence and where to take comfort.
As you walk ahead of people in leadership, what is your foundation of faith and confidence?

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