Leading Yourself to Energy During the Holidays

During the holidays, there is a common word that I hear people say over and over.  It is the word, “tired.”

The holidays are a busy time of year full of interacting with people.  There are work parties, family celebrations, and charity events.  I often hear people lament about how drained they feel.

Here are some tips to keep your attitude in check that will help fill you with energy rather than deplete you.

Leading Yourself at Work

We can have three “selves” inside of us.  There is the self that takes a “parental” role.  This self can focus on responsibilities and making sure everything is kept in check.  In addition, there is the “adult” role.  This self focuses on being logical and making objective decisions.  Lastly, there is the “child” role.  The child self enjoys being playful and full of emotions.

In life, we have to decide what self is most appropriate for each situation.  Often at work, our most typical selves are adult and parental.  But, work parties are a time to let the child out.  Have fun and relax.  It is not the time to check in to make sure that colleague is on schedule with a project (parental self).  It is not the right time to talk through a budget decision (adult self).  Talk about life outside of work and laugh!  This creates bonding, which can increase morale and energy at work.

Leading Yourself with Family

Times with family can be fun but they can also be stressful because of their intensity.  They are often events of multi-generations of people with multiple interests and focuses gathered together in cramped spaces!  If we don’t have a proper mindset, this setting can become a ticking time bomb of energy drain.

At times such as these, it is critical that you own “yourself.”  Recently, a person told me that when she visited at a particular relative’s home, she felt unwanted and not welcomed.  So she often left feeling depressed and being depleted.  But, I was inspired by the wisdom that this person stated next.  Instead of blaming the relative for her depletion, she took ownership and stated that she had a choice.  She recognized that this relative does not have the power to “make her feel” unwanted.  She instead chose a mindset of personal value, which inspired positive interactions with relatives and increased her own energy.

Leading Yourself with Charities

The holidays tend also to be a season of increased giving.  We attend charitable foundation parties, ring bells for the Salvation Army, pack food boxes for those needing Christmas dinners or wrap presents for children in third world countries – just to name a few!  When you add this to the list of all your other functions, it can be overwhelming.

At this point you need to choose how to give “yourself.”  We are called to give out of joy, and joy increases our energy.  Depletion is a warning signal that you need to take inventory of yourself.  Am I doing this out of duty or because of a personal passion for the mission of the charity?  What charities cause cheer within me when I give?  When we give, the focus of our mind needs to be on the mission of that charity.  When the mission of the charity and our God-given passion intersect, our joy increases.



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