Applications of Being a Transformational Leader

In my previous article about being an at-rest transformational leader, I provided a transformation grid and discussed that being this type of leader is more of a lifestyle than a formula to follow.

Someone wrote me in response to the articles with examples of being an at-rest transformational leader in her own life.  This person is on the executive leadership team of a company and also leads her own team.  The examples, that I include below with her permission, are from her everyday life.

This person also takes a very spiritual approach to her transformation process.  Your process may look different.  I decided to share her stories because I felt that they were additional powerful examples that could encourage you in your journey.

I would love to hear more of your stories!  Please enjoy her story below:

The article definitely meshes with our conversation.  Something really interesting happened to me last night at my (horse) riding lesson, which illustrates the at- rest leader.  Polaris (her horse) got upset when I went out to catch her and load her in the trailer, and started running in circles.  I decided to try to take leadership by driving her, and, giving her commands, however, it didn’t seem to help (and seemed to make my frustration begin to elevate).  Then, I told myself to remain at peace, and just stopped, waiting.  I had the idea of creating a scenario where she would have to move her feet more, thereby causing her to think, and distract her from the panic cycle.  I disturbed her circles by stepping forward into them, which caused her to turn and switch directions.  Then I moved in again so she had to turn again.  After doing this 4 or 5 times, she stopped and let me put the halter on her.  She was able to regain composure and her thoughts.  In the situation, I had no frustration or fear, something that has been present before.

Interestingly, all during my lessons last night, I was able to access that centeredness, and to see when I gravitated away to fear or lost confidence.  As a result, Polaris was more responsive in general, and, we had the best lesson night yet!  My instructor told me she believed we had turned a corner, as Polaris appeared to be enjoying the work we were doing.  It was the Holy Spirit that gave me the guidance and discernment around the situation.  I think it’s a great illustration of how others depend on us to be an at-rest leader, even if the “others” are animals!  I’ve come to realize that my being at rest can bring life into situations that might otherwise be frustrating.

This morning I was at the hospital to get routine blood work.  As I walked in, it became obvious that they were very busy, there was a waiting time for registration, and I could sense the tension in the air.  Again, I had this sense of peace within, and sat praying as I looked at my emails.  I started to realize that my peace could affect others as I smiled at them, or just enjoyed a few moments to connect with Jesus.  It was something that I’ve never experienced before.  I started to see it as an opportunity, and tried to smile and say “hello” as people walked by.  As I did, my spirit stirred, which tells me that God was up to something.  I might never know what impact it had on others, but it was enjoyable just to be engaged in my spirit and making connections there.  Although I was running behind for my next appointment, I was really at rest, and desired to bring that to others around me.  I guess that’s what it means to be an at-rest transformational leader…inviting others into the rest of Jesus.

I just wanted to share my experiences, as they are a continuation of our discussion, and great illustrations.  One other thing:  during either of these scenarios, I never experienced fear or anxiety.  I believe God is teaching me how staying at rest keeps me in a place that they can’t impact me and that was an added gift!

I hope you noticed how being an at-rest transformational leader brings her to innovative and effective solutions.  And it also has a personal benefit of decreasing her stress and increasing peace.

What are some stories from your life?

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