How Can You Be Warmth that Influences?

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”

Martin Luther King , Jr

I have a natural tendency to seek out warmth. It is a desire of my body, but also of my whole being – soul and spirit. Do you find that you seek out warmth too? I notice that I am often most in tune for my desire for warmth through cues in my body. When I am active with walking or running, warmth comes naturally and sometimes too much! When I sit, I don’t generate the same heat as being active. So, I may put on a sweater or wrap in a blanket in colder surroundings. When outside, I might sit to face the sunlight or sit in the shade to moderate the warmth.

There is something about being warm that fills me with peace. In warmth, I have the clarity to be productive and also the ability to be still, wait and be present. As a leader, being in a state of warmth and a place of warmth for others is a powerful attribute. Let’s explore what it looks like to be warmth through various forms of heat that we experience in day-to-day life.

Gas Heat as Anticipated Warmth

In our home, we have a thermostat with a setting for the temperature to be lower at night and higher during the day in the winter months. On chilly mornings, I anticipate the furnace kicking on and feeling the gas heat radiate through the vents. As a child I remember sitting on the vent and letting the heat circulate through my nightgown! As an adult I still enjoy standing or leaning over the vent. Can you relate?

Warmth is a prize that we anticipate. Where can you savor warmth in your day? Maybe it is the heated seat in your car, a cup of hot coffee (or cocoa 😊), the smell of a lit candle, the warm word of appreciation spoken, or a smile seen and freely given. In those moments of warmth, stop and take a second to be thankful. Feel your body and being relax. You will be amazed at how your sense of well-being increases, and this will set you up to be a positive attitude for yourself and others.

Sunlight as Clarity and Provision

I love sunlight. I enjoy the long days of summer and look forward to when the sun peaks out and is bright in the winter, even when glistening off the snow. I also like to be in the sunlight. I admire our cat who likes to lay in any beam of sunlight coming through the window, and I will sometimes join him in soaking up a beam of light. I have many friends who enjoy going to the beach to sit in the sun. Are you one of them? Myself, I prefer to stand on a mountain and enjoy the low humidity warmth. 😊

The warmth of the sun reminds me of how it brings light for guidance and provision. The light gives clarity to see where we are going, and the warmth brings provision of energy. How do you look for moments of light in your day? Does reading books, articles or quotes inspire you? Do you have a colleague or mentor who knows how to encourage you? Is it you sharing insights with another person instead of holding back? This morning instead of rushing to get ready, I took some time to pet and feel the warmth of our family dog. It was so simple, yet it refocused my thoughts and set me up for creative thoughts to flow.

Fire that Creates Connection with Others

Have you ever noticed how a fire in a fireplace or backyard fire pit draws in people? I have observed how it has become popular to include a fire pit in patio designs and even in specialty-built tables. This is because for centuries people have gathered around fires for warmth. It brings physical warmth but also the warmth of community.

A friend called me to relay a change in our plans. I asked how they were doing and took time to be present to fully listen. I sensed a weight and asked a gentle prompt to see if they wanted to share more, which they did. Our conversation became a place of warmth. They were uplifted by sharing, but I was also uplifted by listening. Our point of connection was a place of warmth.

How are you projecting warmth so that the people in your life are drawn to connection with you? Fires create intense energy. Taking time to be mindful of warmth takes intention and some moments of time, yet it is well worth how it will inspire your team in energy and productivity. But more than just immediate results, the connectivity and well-being will inspire longevity and sustainability.

So how will you be in a state of warmth and generate warmth to others through the gas heat of anticipation, the light of clarity and provision, and the fire of connectivity? I have a colleague who ends his emails with the salutation of “warmly.” I also send you my warmth and encourage you to go forth in warmth, my friends.

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