Decision Making: The Secret to Living Intentionally

Choices, Choices, Choices! – Our lives are filled with choices. Just walk into a grocery store and you can be overwhelmed by choices with decision making. I had a friend who lived in a third world country providing relief work. When she returned to the US, she was caught off guard by the culture shock of returning home.   She was overwhelmed by the many choices we have and that we often take for granted. This culminated for her one day when she went to the grocery store and was walking down the cereal aisle. The amount of choices overwhelmed her to the point of nausea and she promptly had to leave the store.

Every day we all face choices with decision making, but I think that we become numb to them. We go on automatic pilot. I think we do this just to survive the sheer number of choices. But to have so many choices is a gift and privilege. When we become ambivalent or entitled, we lose the sense of privilege and gratitude for the many choices we do have. We then treat choices and decision making carelessly instead of honorably.

As leaders, our choices and decision making have even more responsibility to them. Because our choices impact not only ourselves but have a multiplication effect on those around us. Here are some key points to keep in mind about decision making.

Own Your Choices

Sometimes we can let other people or circumstances dictate our choices for us.   When we live like this, often our life becomes hectic and overwhelming. We become similar to a kite that goes wherever the wind takes it. Often we become frustrated, dissatisfied and angry. We then blame others or circumstances for our condition. The answer lies in taking ownership. Each time we own our decision making, we take more control over our destiny and become better available for others.

Choose in Alignment with Your Purpose

Make an inventory of the highlights and transition points in your life. Often a theme will emerge. This tends to be connected to your purpose. Your purpose is often an intersection between your passions and strengths. Is there a sentence or even one word that wraps up your sense of purpose? How do your choices align with that?

Choose What Brings Life

Over the past week, think of situations where you felt deep gratitude. You felt alive. You had a deep sense of contentment and rightness. These are situations that breathe life into you and that bring wholeness and authenticity.   Also notice times where you felt drained and a lack of energy. You might even describe it as life leaving you. Make choices that help to bring life to who you are. We are created to have life and to the full. Make choices that set boundaries to bring life.

Choose What Will Help You to Grow

Is there a choice that will help you grow in character? Is there an option that will challenge you? We like to be comfortable, but this can keep us from growing to our potential. Where do you need to be stretched?

Choose What Brings the Greatest Good

The greatest good is to live in love. When decision making with a choice, ask if it will help to promote love and the greatest good.   How will this bring benefits? Will this build others up or tear them down? Will this help you to accomplish your mission or lead you astray? Will this choice help you to love yourself and others more?

What choices are you facing? How are you choosing to be intentional in your decision making?

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