How Giving is the Secret to Joy

We are in the midst of the holiday season. It is suppose to be a time of joy, but often it can be a time of stress. We can become overwhelmed with giving!

I like where the Thanksgiving holiday is situated within this season. It is at the very beginning. We need to be reminded to be thankful and to remain there. If we then keep committed to an attitude of gratitude throughout December, we will find that our stress will decrease and our joy will increase.

I think that this passage from the Bible can give us insights on how to remain joyful in this season of giving:

Remember this: The person who plants a little will have a small harvest, but the person who plants a lot will have a big harvest. Each of you should give as you have decided in your heart to give. You should not be sad when you give, and you should not give because you feel forced to give. God loves the person who gives happily. And God can give you more blessings than you need. Then you will always have plenty of everything—enough to give to every good work. It is written in the Scriptures:

“He gives freely to the poor.  The things he does are right and will continue forever.”

God is the One who gives seed to the farmer and bread for food. He will give you all the seed you need and make it grow so there will be a great harvest from your goodness.   He will make you rich in every way so that you can always give freely. And your giving through us will cause many to give thanks to God. – II Corinthians 9:6-11 (NCV)

 Here are some principles to remember:

Give in Your Heart as You Have Decided to Give

Give out of your passion. There can be a lot of giving that happens in this season. When you give out of your heart, it results in joy. When you give out of duty or obligation, it results in stress. When you give to a person, what do you love or enjoy about them? Then give out of that love. When you want to give to a charitable cause, which charitable mission resonates with your passion? Then give accordingly.

Reflect on All that Has Been Given to You

God has given each of us blessings. Practice thanksgiving. The more grateful we are, the more our heart is prepared to give. We realize all of our blessings, and out of that we have joy in sharing with others. Gratitude, even for simple things, is the secret to joy in any circumstance.

Focus on the Good that Will Result from Your Giving

Giving is about focusing on others, not a focus on self.   Reflect on how your gift will impact another for good. Don’t focus on stress or worry about the details of the gift. Focus on the good.

Ultimately, giving will result in thanksgiving. As we give out of our passion, we are often reminded of how much has been given to us and then we rejoice as we see how our gift impacts another for good.

What are you thankful for? How have you been blessed? How are you impacting others for good?

Blessings of joy in this season of giving!

4 thoughts on “How Giving is the Secret to Joy”

  1. I have had a calling to teach for the past 7 years. That calling was answered with an opportunity at Jasper High School where I graduated from 39 years ago. My passion is people, plants and places. I thought this was a great way to share the beauty of gods work with the talents I have been given. Passion and faith have kept me going this first semester along with prayers, advice and individual assistance and guidance. I am experiencing the stress of basically
    another business being teaching at a high school level. The expectations are high and are even being more elevated at the high school level. After 30 years I have not mastered Ben Franklin’s concepts of planning. I AM A DREAMER

    OFF TRACK AGAIN I NEED TO GET BACK TO WRITING MY FINALS and couse guidelines for 2015-2016.
    How do you keep reality of demands in relationship to Passion?

    1. Hi Brian, passion is central to motivation and clarity. Passion directs us to priorities that give focus and also gives perseverance to move through the needed tasks to reach your vision. Blessings with finishing strong your first semester!

      1. How do you acheive that point of clarity to keep the passion? Thank You for your response. Are you and your daughter still making quilts?

        1. Clarity comes from defining your personal purpose. I have found it helpful to have a personal purpose statement that I can read to myself to provide clarity. Often our purpose is an intersection between our strengths and our passion.

          My daughter and I do not quilt. But, it is beautiful what people can create.

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