Three Steps to Wisdom

So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. – Psalm 90:12

Do you have a heart of wisdom? Eleanor Rosch, an eminent psychologist at UC Berkeley, has dedicated herself to the study of knowledge. She has identified that there are two types of knowledge: conventional analytical knowledge and wisdom awareness. We often get exposed to conventional knowledge. In school, we learn about all kinds of subjects. It is important to learn math, history, literature, etc. But, wisdom is different from this. Wisdom is a deeper inner knowing that connects all of the parts to a greater whole for a powerful and effective response. It is a deeper insight that propels you into the right action for the present moment.

Wisdom is vital for leadership.   But wisdom does not come from analytical knowledge, but from developing an inner awareness. It is not developed from a linear formula. It is more gained from widening your perspective. Here are some steps for developing wisdom from the perspective of time:

See Time as Precious

Wisdom comes from within you. Being authentic to who you are, is essential for developing wisdom. A flower may only live a few days, yet the beauty that it gives is precious. Your life is also precious. You may only have a certain amount of time to live, but that time is not all about you.   Your life interrelates and has an impact on the world around you. You are a part of a greater whole.

Take time on a regular basis to reflect with gratitude for life. Do you feel awe and gratitude for life and the time you have?

Be Aware of Using Time

The very being of who you are is precious. You have a purpose. The wisdom you have will be connected to your purpose. When you realize this, let the wonder and awe propel you to accountability. Time is not something to be wasted. When you waste your time, it does not just impact you. If a flower does not bloom, we miss out on its beauty. When you are not accountable with your time, others miss out on the beauty that you are meant to bring.

How do you need to be intentional with your time today? What are your values and priorities? Are you living in alignment with them?

Let Go of the Outcome of Your Time

A flower does not strive to bloom. It naturally does what it is created to do. Knowledge is learning about parts of a system. Wisdom is taking action based on insight of the system as a greater whole. Knowledge comes from outside of you, where wisdom comes from inside of you. When you let knowledge guide you to reach an objective, you often have a very set agenda. When you face obstacles, frustration and striving begin. With wisdom, you will still have a set objective, but how you get there will become more open. Instead of striving, you wait and listen.   You ask questions. You wonder. You become more present and less anxious about the future and in this state is where creativity happens. From a spiritual perspective, you rest in God’s favor to establish your work.

What will you do to develop the potential of wisdom within you? What have you done today to exercise your wisdom?

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