What We Can Learn from a World Change Agent?

“People must have righteous principles in the first, and then they will not fail to perform virtuous actions.” – Martin Luther

Do you want to be filled with life?  Revitalize means to give new life, vitality or vigor.  I recently read a biography of Martin Luther by Eric Metaxas.  The book is titled, Martin Luther – The Man Who Rediscovered God and Changed the World.  Martin Luther was an agent of change during his time, but also led to a reformation that changed the world and continues to impact us today.

I am currently a part of an organization that is seeking revitalization and spend a lot of time with others who are seeking to bring about continual positive growth.  This makes me curious to learn from others who have been effective change agents.  What can we learn from Martin Luther about how to be effective leaders of impact?

Passion and Principles

Martin Luther did not start with a clear vision of changing the world.  His passion towards a mission was born out of the crucible of his life journey.  Martin Luther was studying to become a lawyer and then to be a part of his family’s business.  But during a life-threatening thunderstorm he made a vow to become a monk.  Martin was strong to stand on his principles and so followed through with this vow, even to the dismay of his family and questioning by friends.  As a monk, he struggled with an emotional state that he called “anfechtungen.”  He would feel immense guilt for his sins and spend hours in confession.  As Martin studied the Bible, he learned of salvation by faith through grace, not by works.  This brought a new freedom to his life.  He wanted others to know this freedom and to revitalize the church to be the source of spreading this good news.  So, his passion was born.

We all have a life purpose.  Our talents play a part in this, but so does our passion.  We often find our passions through the challenges in our life journeys.  Be aware of the ups and downs of your life.  What pulls at your heart strings?  This passion will guide and motivate you.  Also, what principles have you discovered for yourself in that journey?  What beliefs are you so sure of that you will stand upon no matter what the journey brings in the future?


Martin Luther was a powerful communicator.  He preached approximately 7000 sermons and 2300 have survived.  Martin was also a vigorous writer and his writings were very popular.  He had a passion for all people to understand the Bible.  He worked hard to communicate well to all classes of people, from clergy to nobles to common people.  This was unique during his time.  He wanted his message to be accessible to all.  Another opportunity at this time was the invention of the printing press.  One of his greatest works was translating the Bible into German, which made the Bible accessible to more people.

If you want to revitalize something, you must communicate.  As people, we tend to be very stuck in our ways and routines.  To revitalize, you must be persistent to continually speak the life of your mission over and over.  This does not mean you have to be a great orator or writer.  Use your unique talents.  Martin Luther was the first person to bring congregational singing to churches.  He realized the value of how people learn and are inspired through music.  So, be creative in how you share your message.  Also make use of opportunities to share your message.  Martin Luther had the printing press, which was just invented during his lifetime; we have the internet.  And, who knows what new form of communication will be next.


Martin Luther loved people.  He had a passion for people to know what had revitalized his life through his relationship with God.  Martin had compassion for people, but he also stood on his beliefs and confronted people.  He would not recant, and this made him an inspiration to others and led to a movement that went beyond him.  However, one of his criticisms is that he also was too harsh at times.  This could have pushed others away during his life and has even been misused past his lifetime.

Revitalization is about life, and life happens through people.  Martin Luther did not cause a movement that changed the world all on his own.  He had a team of people who joined him on the journey.  This included Staupitz, a mentor; Frederick the elector, a protector; Spalatin, a mentoree; Melanchthon, a co-scholar; Kathie, his wife and encourager, and the list can go on.  If you want to have a lasting impact, invest in others and let them invest in you.  Their talents and passions will compliment you, their camaraderie will give joy and strength in the journey, and they will propel the mission beyond you.

What will you learn and apply from Martin Luther and other agents of impact?  How will you engage your passion and principles?  How will you communicate well to persuade?  How will you love, invest, give and receive with people?

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