Making the Most of Your Leadership Power Tool: Words

Worry is a heavy load, but a kind word cheers you up.

– Proverbs 12:5

Have you been carrying a heavy load? Have you noticed others around you carrying a heavy load? How has words been helpful or a detriment to you?

Life is not a steady line but a continual movement of ups, downs, and curves. There are parts of life we simply cannot control. However, this does not mean that we are powerless. We do still have power. It is recognizing where we have power and using those tools well. One of those tools is words. Here are a couple of practical ways to use your power tool of words:

The Simplicity of Words

My daughter had registered for classes for school, and there were some changes that had to happen in her schedule that were out of her control. We reached out in an email to her guidance counselor with questions about what we needed in our role as parents to help facilitate. The guidance counselor responded with next steps for us, how she enjoys our daughter, and apologized for slow response because of her heavy workload at this time of year.

I could have moved on from there and checked off another task done on my list. But that evening the counselor’s words came back to my mind. I felt that she needed encouragement. I responded to her with how my daughter speaks highly of her and thanking her for how she invests in caring for students including my child. Even though it was 10 pm, she responded immediately that she was working late and that my words meant a lot to her.

I share this not to give myself a “pat on the back” but as a reminder to myself of realizing lost opportunities in the power of my words. When wanting to boost morale, I can overthink and turn it into a big project. I can get so caught up in the planning that I miss out on the simplicity. Encouragement doesn’t have to be an event but is also a lifestyle. Words are so simple. Sometimes the most powerful words come from just paying attention in the moment and speaking into the strengths and potential of a person right then.

This reminds me of a leader who shared with me about the simplicity of encouraging words. When he walks through the floors of his organization to get to his next meeting, he is intentional to notice when team members are doing right actions and simply thanks them. This is not adding additional time to his day. He is just being intentional to use the power of his words during his day. How will you be aware and use the simplicity of your words today?

The Reframing of Words

What is your perspective when you see a problem? My perspective is to see a battle ground. Something is blocking a goal, and I need to overcome it. Now all of this is true. Leading the way is about overcoming challenges to come to the other side.

With this is mind, I heard a person talk about viewing battle grounds as training grounds. When I switched my perspective to see a problem as a training ground, I felt a shift within me. Instead of the feeling of a heavy burden I felt lighter, and my energy increased. Instead of thinking that I would only experience the victory on the other side of the problem, I felt an experience of victory through it.

This is another example of the power of words. The words we choose can also determine our perspective. Are there words you have been using out of habit that have been limiting you? How could you reframe those words to align with a truth of an even greater perspective?

This is also the value of hearing and receiving the words of others to us. What are your outlets to receive those words? It could be books, podcasts, a mentor, trusted friend… Don’t miss out on the words that can be spoken to you and can be so simple yet so powerful in reframing words for you.

We all have access to words. We all have control of words and can be powerful with words. How will you be aware, intentional, and active with your words today?

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